Safeguarding Policy

Our roles and responsibilites

Safeguarding at King’s InterHigh

King’s InterHigh recognises our legal and moral duty to promote the well-being of children, protect them from harm and respond to safeguarding concerns. Through their day-to-day contact with pupils and correspondence with families, the staff at the school have a role to play in noticing safeguarding concerns and working with parents and appropriate agencies.

Safeguarding Policy Statement

King’s InterHigh School aims to assure the safe and secure education provision for all its pupils. Safeguarding the welfare of its pupils is part of our core business and all staff must be aware of their responsibilities in this regard.

The full King’s InterHigh Safeguarding policy is available to download.

Know more about your course fees

We have several fee packages and options, with differing levels of commitment to suit most circumstances. In most cases parents have the option to pay in instalments, spreading the cost of the investment.

Learn more about our online curriculum

King’s InterHigh offers a full British secondary curriculum in a wide range of subjects online. As pupils progress through the school, they can study a full range of IGCSE, AS and A Level courses.